Friday, August 10, 2012

[Review] Gunmetal Magic Author Ilona Andrews

Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ilona and Andrew did it again this book was AMAZING!
Ilona could probably write a paragraph and make it the most interesting paragraph ever. Now I'll just have to wait for their next Kate's Daniel book, and one thing I know for sure is that there not going to disappoint.

Andrea has never been able to count on anyone and anything all she has accomplish has been done on her own sweat and blood,but when things where starting to change and she knew she could count on Raphael and Kate but than a tragedy happened and she was left alone again. Now Andrea has to rebuild her life after being kicked out by the Knight of Merciful Aid. All she has left is Kate who stood by her side while she was going through shit and Kate has offered her a job working for her company Cutting Edge, now Andrea has to go and investigate who is killing members of the pack. But she will have to work alongside Raphael who left her when she most needed him, but she knows that without his help she will not be able to find the killer in time.

Will they be able to workout there problems or will they be left alone with nothing but their pride?


I gotta say I was routing for Raphael and Andrea ever since they broke up in book 4 but what I like best about there relationship was that they weren't all mushy mushy they knew they both had issues and they where able to work out there issues before they got together and that to me is what a real relationship is about not just saying I'm sorry and going back to fucking like nothing happened. No that is not what happened it was a long and slow process before they finally forgave each other and decided to become Mate.

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